Here is a window which is located in a private chapel in the Washington D. C. area. The cross is superimposed upon a shield and much like the gothic crosses I used hearts at the end of the cross instead of a clover leaf. The background glass is Kokomo’s 246 LL smooth catspaw. This glass is laid out and cut from a single sheet of glass. I term this continuity of flow. If while cutting the glass, a piece of glass breaks, then all is scrapped and a new sheet is selected and thus the cutting process begins again. The border is a Kokomo carmel opalescent with a granite catspaw texture.
The details in the center of the cross show an engraving done with a 90 degree miter wheel. The engraving encircles the pink jewel and then encircles the background of the jewel. The engravings are done on handblown antique flashed glass.
The roundel is handblown from a piece of murini that resembles a stormy night sky. The comets are beveled on a dicroic amber shift pink. The stars are engraved with a 60 degee wheel. The blue is a Lamberts graduated Handblown glass.